DFID funded WASH project in Uganda surpasses its 2016 sanitation target
SNV Uganda has once again surpassed the sanitation target of one of its WASH projects, with 770,000 people now having latrines for the first time. This is a 45% increase from the target in 2016 of 530,000 people gaining access to sanitation.
Within the Sustainable Sanitation & Hygiene for All Results (SSH4A Results) project in Uganda, SNV has focused on training local actors to trigger communities to invest in sanitation at household level, which lead to a reduction in open defecation. This is supported by findings in the 2017 Mid-term Monitoring Report. As a result, the project currently has a resource pool of 100 Community Led Total Sanitation (CLTS) promoters.
Open defecation has reduced by 11% – from 16% in 2014 to 5%. Environmentally safe sanitary facilities (latrines that have a drop hole cover to prevent human contact with faeces) have grown by 20% and more households are now constructing them. To support households living in difficult terrain in setting up stable pits, the project developed and promoted informed choice materials. This helped to reduce the practice of open defecation and promote the construction of stable sub-structures by households.
What is interesting to note is the case of Nebbi, one of the poorest districts within the project. Nebbi had the highest improvement in the quality of latrines (46%) that are environmentally safe compared to other districts that have more households in the wealth quintile. So the lesson learned is that whereas wealth influences the choice of technology option, the quality of advisory service and support during the construction of the facilities in a given location plays a critical role in households’ decisions to invest in quality latrines.
In 2015, the project exceeded its target of 330,000 with 400,000 people getting access to sanitary facilities. The SSH4A project, funded by the UK Department For International Development (DFID), has now been extended for an additional two years.
Learn more about our work in Uganda and the SSH4A project.