From Agriculture to Nutrition - ENUFF Technical paper no. 2

SNV publishes the second technical paper based on lessons learned from the Enhancing Nutrition of Upland Farming Families (ENUFF) project focusing on nutrition sensitive agriculture and its impact on dietary diversity in target communities.
Poor dietary quality, particularly among vulnerable groups, continues to challenge the nutrition targets in Lao PDR. Despite significant progress, Lao PDR still has relatively high levels of malnourished children. In response to this, Lao PDR government has prioritised nutrition with the adoption of the National Nutrition Strategy and Plan of Action (2016-2025) ( NNSPA ). This includes objective and priority actions in nutrition sensitive agriculture (NSA), including improved access to nutritious food, and improved nutrient intake.
The ENUFF project is a programme of the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC), implemented by SNV with the assistance of Agrisud International in Lao PDR. The project is implemented together with government counterparts and other development partners with the aim of improving family nutrition in remote and ethnically diverse upland farming communities through nutrition-sensitive agricultural production, sustainable management of natural resources and good practices in health and hygiene. A core pillar of ENUFF is NSA, which is seen as a key way to improve food production and diversity at the household level. NSA is complemented by improvement of women’s skills in nutrition and care practices, in particular women of reproductive age (WRA); physical and economic access to nutritious and diversified food through income generation activities, market and short value chain opportunities and a development of a conducive policy, strategic and institutional framework to address and prevent food and nutrition insecurity. The project is being implemented in Xiengkhor and Viengxay districts of Houaphanh province and Nga and Beng districts of Oudomxay province in collaboration with the Provincial Health Departments (PHD), Provincial Agriculture and Forestry Offices (PAFO) and Lao Women’s Union (LWU) with their subordinate offices in the target districts. The project targets 4,000 farming families in 40 villages across the four districts of these two provinces.
SNV is pleased to share the second paper that presents lessons learned on the implementation of NSA activities and their impact on dietary diversity in the target communities. The paper also provides recommendations for projects using NSA in a multi-sectoral approach.
The full length technical paper and a summary version with the policy recommendations are available for download.