Achieving Sustainable Nutrition for All - SN4A phase I final technical paper

SNV launches the final policy paper of the SN4A phase I project.
The first phase of the SN4A project ran from January 2015 to December 2017 in Uganda and Zambia (the second phase is being implemented currently), led by SNV in partnership with the Royal Tropical Institute (KIT) and the Wageningen Centre for Development Innovation (WUR), and was funded by the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation.
Sustainable Nutrition for All (SN4A) is an integrated nutrition-sensitive approach. It seeks to improve nutrition outcomes by encouraging families to grow, and consume diverse food at the household level, particularly amongst women of reproductive age (WRA) and infants.
Using the SN4A approach, phase I of the projects was successful in increasing the dietary diversity score for WRA and infants 6-23 months.
This policy paper builds on the SN4A series of technical briefs:
This brief summarises a set of key policy and programme recommendations based on the evidence and learnings from Phase I. The key recommendations are made to national governments, sub-national governments, and partictioners.
The complete brief and a two page summary are available for download.