Water for Growth (W4G)



Promoting equal control and access to water resources in Rwanda through the institutionalisation IWRM practices.

In addition to the effort to sanitation, Rwanda made a definite choice for the implementation of integrated water resources management (IWRM) for the sustainable development and protection of its water resources. In 2011, MINIRENA established the Rwanda Natural Resources Authority (RNRA), an institutional framework for coordinating mechanism and the functions related to water resources management.

A lack of sanitation has a direct negative effect on the natural water resources. A large part of the concerns and challenges of IWRM is therefore related to WASH: increasing pollution of water sources, as a result of watershed degradation, poor sanitation within catchments, and agricultural pollutants, as well as inadequate hygiene practices at water points by water users. Because of the direct link between WASH and IWRM and the attention the Rwandan government gives to the implementation of IWRM, SNV is implementing partner in the IWRM programme in Rwanda, together with associate partners Euroconsult Mott MacDonald (lead) and SHER. With MINIRENA/RNRA as main beneficiary at the central Government level, and a large number of districts at field level. The cooperation in the field of IWRM was laid down in a Memorandum of Understanding, signed on 7 May 2015 between MINECOFIN, MINIRENA, and the Embassy of the Netherlands in Kigali on behalf of the Government of The Netherlands. The programme is funded by the Dutch Embassy and runs between 2015 and 2019.

Our activities in Rwanda include supporting the application of good IWRM practices by supporting the District Authorities, related governmental institutions, and other stakeholders of the development of Catchment Plans. We also work towards equal control and access of water resources. SNV Rwanda supports women to gain more control over water management and encourages their inclusion in the community decision making and information sharing process with regards to the access of and use of water resources.

News and stories


Wastewater as a resource, not a burden

Wastewater as a resource, not a burden

Water4Growth keeps an eye on river beds

Water4Growth keeps an eye on river beds

Our donors and partners

Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands logo