Strengthening Enabling Environment for Clean Cooking Sector of Ethiopia



The objective of the SEEECCS project is to strengthen the enabling environment of clean cooking sector of Ethiopia with interventions around support for organisational and institutional capacity development and sector facilitation, including for improved

The objective of the SEEECCS project is to strengthen the enabling environment of clean cooking sector of Ethiopia with interventions around support for organisational and institutional capacity development and sector facilitation, including for improved cook stoves, biogas and bio-fuel.

This project anticipates to contribute to develop a robust system to bring about public-private partnership and ultimately benefit the majority of Ethiopian poor families, particularly women and children who are suffering from indoor air pollution, perennial drudgery, deforestation and lately increasing climate change effects.

Key results

  • Functional and sustainable national forum for clean cooking

  • "Clean cooking" is well addressed in the national policies and strategies of clean cooking subsector

  • Biomass Energy Strategy (BEST) endorsed by the government

  • National standard for Improved Cook Stoves is finalised and adopted

  • A complete proposal devised to seek funding for the state-of-the-art facility for testing and certification of ICS to be in place

News and stories


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