Ghana Climate Innovation Centre (GCIC)




Funded by a grant from the Governments of Denmark and the Netherlands through the World Bank, and managed by a consortium comprising Ashesi University College, Ernst and Young, SNV and the United Nations University, the Ghana Climate Innovation Centre (GC

Funded by a grant from the Governments of Denmark and the Netherlands through the World Bank, and managed by a consortium comprising Ashesi University College, Ernst and Young, SNV and the United Nations University, the Ghana Climate Innovation Centre (GCIC) is a pioneering business incubator with a unique focus on developing SME ventures and entrepreneurs in Ghana’s ‘Green Economy’.

The GCIC's objective is to develop and support an exceptional set of transformational ventures and entrepreneurs who are pioneering adaptive and mitigating solutions for climate change issues in Ghana.

The five thematic sectors of focus are:

  • Solar energy

  • Energy efficiency

  • Waste management

  • Climate smart agriculture

  • Water management and purification

The GCIC has been established to offer a full suite of financing and capacity building services to Ghanaian technologists, entrepreneurs and new ventures that address challenges to starting and scaling their climate (clean) technology businesses. In addition to incubating promising start-ups, the GCIC will provide dedicated proof-of-concept and seed capital funding to entrepreneurs to bridge local funding gaps.

In parallel to investments, the GCIC also provides business advisory and training services, market development services, access to product testing facilities and government engagement on policy. In this way, the GCIC acts as a national focal point, coordinating efforts in promoting the growth of locally relevant climate sectors. GCIC also provides a platform to create international business-to-business linkages, enhance knowledge sharing and facilitate trade. As part of steps to provide relevant market-centered support to incubate, the Center seeks to obtain a comprehensive database on experts and services under the five thematic sectors of focus.

The Ghana Climate Innovation Centre is a follow up the GCIC Bootcamp and the GCIC Accelerator Program, which SNV successfully implemented in 2015.

Follow the link to the Ghana Climate Innovation Centre website to find out how to apply!

News and stories


A time for nature: Supporting biodiversity in Ghana

SNV Yams

President Macron and Prime Minister Rutte meet Ghanaian entrepreneurs in Accra

On Thursday 30 November, Prime Minister Mark Rutte of the Netherlands and President Emmanuel Macron of France visited the Impact Hub in Accra to meet with young Ghanaian entrepreneurs. SNV took part in this visit, because of our role in the Ghana Climate Innovation Center (GCIC).

GCIC Nationwide Roadshow 2017

From July to October 2017, the Ghana Climate Innovation Centre (GCIC) is undertaking a Nationwide Roadshow. The main objective of the roadshow is to ensure a regional balance in applications from Ghanaian cleantech enterprises to the GCIC and to engage stakeholders at the local level.
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Our donors and partners

WaterAid logo
World Bank
Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands logo
DANIDA logo English
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