Cooperatives for Change (C4C)



The project will benefit an estimated 210,000 people by 2016.

The project will benefit an estimated 210,000 people by 2016.

The goal of Cooperatives for Change (C4C) is to improve the business performance of 16 unions and 150 producers’ cooperatives improving the quality and quantity of products, establishing sustainable markets and increasing income for their members. The project will reinforce the governance and management of the cooperatives through value chain development approach to benefit an estimated 210,000 people by 2016.

SNV and its C4C partners work in 71 woredas to:

  • provide coaching in business and organisational management to strengthen cooperative unions’ output marketing capacity;

  • facilitate access to seeds, other inputs and new and appropriate technologies to increase their capacity to deliver the market quality products;

  • test and promote contract farming arrangements, hermetical storage, low-cost  mechanisation devices and mobile product tracking systems;

  • introduce seed multiplication as a business for cooperatives;

  • produce and disseminate manuals in local languages;

  • facilitate high-level experience sharing visit to The Netherlands and communicate to ATA the learnings on internal capitalisation, business models, member commitment and governance for inclusion in the national cooperative strategy;

  • provide technical support to cooperatives in brokering business deals with international and local buyers.

News and stories


Bridging the gap between the demand and supply of edible oil in Ethiopia

Bridging the gap between the demand and supply of edible oil in Ethiopia

Unions, growing into food processing industries

SNV supported cooperative unions are growing into food processing industries.

Puzzling out Ethiopian farmers’ crop storage issue

Puzzling out Ethiopian farmers’ crop storage issue
See all our updates

Our donors and partners

The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation